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Clutch Masters

Product Image Item Name- Price
Clutch Masters Stage 1 (FX100) Clutch Kit - WRX
Clutch Masters Stage 1 (FX100) Clutch Kit - WRX
High performance street system, holding...
Price: $449.00

Clutch Masters Stage 3 (FX300) Clutch Kit- WRX
Clutch Masters Stage 3 (FX300) Clutch Kit- WRX
The Clutch Masters Stage 3 (FX300) Syst...
Price: $572.00

Clutch Masters Stage 4 (FX400) Clutch Kit - WRX
Clutch Masters Stage 4 (FX400) Clutch Kit - WRX
Ceramic System 170% over stock holding ...
Price: $580.00

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Customer Testimonials


I called and placed my order over the phone. I had a bunch of questions and the lady was kind and very helpful. She made sure I got all the right......

Already in my hands!

Oh my goodness! Fastest shipping I have ever experienced from the US! Many thanks - James S. Ontario, Canada...